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Helping you find the best opportunities for your child.

  • Speech-Language Therapy
    Our speech-language pathologists are experts in communication, treating a variety of delays and disorders. We specialize in treating: - Articulation​ Disorders - Childhood Apraxia of Speech - Oral-Motor/Feeding​ Delays - Autism - Late Talkers - Receptive & Expressive Language Disorders - Socialization/Pragmatic Skills - Augmentative/Alternative Communication Therapy - Auditory Processing - Feeding We have various trainings in the PROMPT (Restructuring Oral Musculature Phonetic Targets) technique, Talk Tools/Oral Placement Therapy, Kaufman- Speech to Language Protocol, and Lidcombe Program.
  • Evaluations
    We offer comprehensive speech-language therapy evaluations tailor-made to fit the needs of your child. We work closely with parents and teachers to determine the best approach for your child's therapy needs. An evaluation is the first important step in the therapeutic process. This consists of parent-report measures, relevant standardized testing and other informal assessments/observations while interacting with your child. After the evaluation, a comprehensive written report will be provided promptly. A treatment plan is developed as part of a collaborative process with the family, creating specific therapy goals and recommendations for your child.
  • Consultations
    We offer a unique model, bridging the gap between office therapy and home or school progress. Our speech-language pathologists are passionate and work closely together making sure your child is reaching their full potential. We collaborate with teachers, specialists and other related service providers to promote generalization of skills across multiple settings, involving school visits, home visits, school placement recommendations and referrals.
  • Group Classes
    We offer fun and engaging group classes to help introduce early childhood education and language skills to preschool children. Led by certified speech-language pathologists, these classes provide a playful and educational environment to focus on facilitating speech and language development, provides tips and techniques for parents and caregivers to incorporate at home, and encourages overall growth and confidence in your child’s communication skills! This is a great opportunity for parents who may be curious about speech therapy and language development for their child, and can act as a helpful precursor to determining if further speech intervention is appropriate. Enrollment open for Fall 2023! Itty Bitties (18-24 months): Tuesdays 10:00am-11:00am 12 weeks, September 12 - November 28, 2023 Talking Tots (2-3 years): Tuesdays 11:30am-12:30pm 12 weeks, September 12 - November 28, 2023
  • Small Group Sessions & Intensives
    We offer small group and intensive opportunities in addition to individual speech therapy sessions. Dyad Sessions We create dyads (pairs) for articulation carryover or language skill development. This allows children to mimic natural social interactions where they need these skills. These sessions have 2 children who are matched based on similar or complementing skills. Small Group Sessions Articulation and language groups allow children to utilize their core skills in a socially motivating way. These groups typically have 3-5 children who are matched by skill set. Speech Intensives Instead of weekly therapy, speech intensives occur in a condensed schedule over the course of one week. We work with the child’s family to identify and target specific speech-language goals and encourage skills at home. Depending on the child, sessions may run 1-1.5 hour each day, or be broken up into 30-minute sessions throughout the day.
  • Thumb Sucking Program
    Does your child suck their thumb? Have they tried anything and everything but nothing seems to work? Speech Zone proudly offers a fun and positive thumb-sucking remediation program for your child! This program has worked for thousands of children to get rid of their thumb sucking habits! Children ages 4 and older will benefit by not only eliminating the habit, but by showing improvements with overall mouth posture, tongue placement, dentition and speech. Babies use a pacifier or suck their thumbs in order to provide comfort and gratification. By age 4, children no longer require this need to self-soothe; it becomes purely habitual. Prolonged thumb sucking could have negative effects on a child’s speech, dentition, fine motor skills of affected finger, feeding, sleep and overall self-confidence. Our program consists of an initial consultative phone call, initial visit in office, follow up visits every 10, 20, 30 and 60 days. Daily positive reinforcement and encouragement is vital for a child’s emotional success as well as to the success of this program! Read this guide to learn more.
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